Monday, April 16, 2012

Well I finished threading late last night.  The threading photo is  not a very good.  I wanted to show the fine thread.  However what looked good on the review panel on the camera did not look nearly as good on the computer.  The woven samples photo is better,

Anyway I am working on Tied Weave samples for a complex weavers group that I belong too.  I have to work really hard to get these samples finished so they can be shipped to arrive at their destination by May.  I was off to a good start this year and was very excited about my draft.  I learned a lot doing this as my draft is not traditional the ground is broken twill.  The warp is 120/2 and the pattern weft is 2/18  wool.

I sat down to the loom and started to thread about three weeks ago.  I got better than half done when I realized that I had no way to get my draft on to the computer that runs my loom.  The computer is so old that the only way to load a document is on a 3.25" disk.

My old desk top died before Christmas last year and my laptop does not have a 3.25" disk drive.  I could not connect the laptop to the loom because it does not have a serial port.  So, I panicked.

I knew that AVL had a converter to connect the serial cable to modern computers.  When contacted AVL I found out that the converter would cost almost fifty dollars.  I was very dismayed, but started to order it, then I found out the wanted to charge me $18.00 to mail it to me.  This is just regular mail.  I hate getting gouged for shipping.  So I started looking for other sources.  I found a substitute for $18.00 and the shipping was only $6.00.  I have not tried it out yet,  because I also found a plug and play 3.25"  drive.  I was able to transfer the file with that to the computer the is already connected to the loom.  After I am finished with the samples I will try hooking up my current laptop and let you know if the adapter I purchased worked.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Chat A While, was the name of a group my mother belonged to when she was a young women/mother.  She used to talk about it a lot and really enjoyed the interaction with friends.  I always thought it was a great name for a club so I decided to use it for this blog.

I am hoping to share things that are of interest to me, and learn from others that contribute.  I have many interests.  My family of course is first.  After them I consider myself a hand weaver/fiber artist.  In addition, I am also interested in Photography, Photoshop, Web programing.

My husband just bought me a new piano.  I have not had a piano for about 30-35 years, so I am pretty rusty and trying to bring it back.  I also play around with the guitar, but never was very good at that.

I would also like to learn Mandarin and improve my Spanish. 

I as you can probably guess I never turn down a chance to learn something new.  So, I am looking forward to chatting and sharing with anyone.

Right now I have to finish threading my loom.  I will try to post a picture later today.