Sunday, January 25, 2015

Wearing a Scarf #1

Hi Everyone,

Well, I wish I was younger, pretty, and thinner, but I am not.  I don't have the money or the time to hire a videographer or a model.  So for now you are stuck watching me show you how to do this tie.  It requires a long scarf, this one is 72" and 12" wide.  It is easy to tie and comfortable to wear.

Let me know if this works for you, if it does I will do it again.  :-)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Packing up Christmas

There is a huge build up to Christmas, then lots of people, food and presents.  Next is the equally maybe larger mess to clean up.  We have two Christmases, ours and my mother's.  She loves Christmas, always has.  It is her favorite time of the year and said once that if she ever got to the point she could not have Christmas, just dig a hole and put her in it.  So, of course with that statement we have two Christmas every year.

There is of course a week between Christmas to clean up the wrapping paper, dishes and left over food.  ( it always feels like it takes the whole week)  Then I usually invite the grand kids over for New Years Eve we have a party and they help me take down the tree.  That didn't happen this year, we had the party but did not take care of the tree.

 As I worked alone on taking down the tree, I thought about the ornaments.  Many of them are in honor of some event, First Christmas, Baby's first Christmas, my mother like to give Avon ornaments to the kids each year, or maybe a vacation we took, or an ornament from a friend.

Then there are the hand made ones.  The ones I made for my kids, the ones that the kids made in school, clubs, or scouts, my mother also made ornaments.  In recent years the guild I belong to has an ornament exchange, so I have several hand made ornaments from them.  Every time we set up the tree it is a trip down memory lane for all who help or even visit during the holiday season.  However, this year was particularly reflective.  Because I was alone in taking down the tree, I remembered how each one of the ornaments came to be on our tree and the people who contributed.  I felt truly blessed for all of these memories and the people who are apart of my life.  We may not have the prettiest tree but it is definitely full of love.

I am working on my web site and will have that up and running soon. My daughter and I are planning a fashion show for April 26.  Look for more information on both coming soon.  Well thank you for stopping by I hope that some of you will sign up to follow me.  I don't seem to be able to post on a specific day.  No matter what day I pick life seems to get in the way, but I do seem to get a post up almost every week.  Take care of yourself and enjoy life.

Pamela J Arquette

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy New Year,  Hope everyone had a great holiday season.  I am looking forward to the New Year with hopes that it will be a great one.  I did not quite get all the pj's finished (I was short one set) there were a lot of last minutes interruptions.  In spite of that everything else went well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.  I finished up the pj's and gave them today.

Jeannie and I are planning a  Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon, April 26, a week before Mother's Day.   It will be near Cleary College in Howell, MI.  We are planning to have  models show off our  fashions, roaming around the tables as patrons eat a delicious salad lunch.  There will of course be plenty of time to shop and I am hoping to have a section for children to shop with gifts for mom under $25.00. 

That of course means a lot of work the next few months.  Of course I need to make product, but also set up a Facebook page for the event and update my web site.  Get some advertising organized and sell tickets for the lunch.

Jeannie (My daughter) posted a picture of her costume in action on Facebook.  I am re posting the picture here.  The actress was body painted by Andrea to coordinate with the costume.  I love it.  Great job by both artists!

Well off I go to work on my web site hopefully I will be posting a link to that next time.
